I recently had the pleasure of participating in yoga instructor training through Yogafit Training Systems. In addition to two days of intensive training and making new connections with fellow yogi, new instructors must complete a volunteer teaching experience. In my case, this requirement is hardly such, as it was the main draw for me to become a yoga instructor.
In my own experience, fitness has been a key contributor to personal strength, professional creativity, and clear thinking. Yoga has been front-and-center in my own development of a centered life, and as a result I include it in my aim to bring fitness, a healthy mindset, and grounded realization of limitless potential to everyone who is receptive, regardless of where they are on their own journeys.
I sought a new and different way to share yoga with people who either have not accessed it through formal classes at yoga studios and gyms or have felt apprehensive about trying yoga for the first time in front of their peers. From here, the idea of an all-online class was born. Completely new and experimental, the idea is to encourage trial among people in all locations.
With the support of the wonderful people at Cisco Systems, I will be teaching 8 yoga classes over the course of a week completely online via Cisco WebEx. Participants need only a yoga mat and a computer with an internet connection. Classes are completely free, accessible worldwide, and a couple of them will incorporate a 1980s musical theme.
While no yoga experience is necessary, participants are encouraged to become familiar with the basic poses before taking the class in order to ensure proper form and to plan for any props and modifications that may be needed.
Welcome to the digital age of fitness!